·a year ago

2023-07-20 Updates: 修复首页布局,使用 xLog 提供的样式
2023-05-30 Updates: 修复 css 对 dashboard 的影响
2023-05-15 Updates: 修复了一些 css 变量失效, 主题更加二次元化,文章列表更加适合设置封面图











Tiam, ad mint andaepu dandae nostion secatur sequo quae.
Note that you can use Markdown syntax within a blockquote.




  1. First item
  2. Second item
  3. Third item


  • List item
  • Another item
  • And another item


:span[This is a spoiler]{.spoiler}

:span[This is a spoiler]{.spoiler}

This is default text block 

This is info text block 

This is error text block

This is success text block

This is info text block

This is info text block

This is error text block

This is success text block

自定义 css

@import url("https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lxgw-wenkai-screen-webfont/1.7.0/lxgwwenkaiscreenr.css");

@font-face {
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:root {
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html.dark {
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main {
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.xlog-header .text-gray-500 {
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/* post */
.prose :not(pre)>code {
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.prose blockquote {
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.prose table td {
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.spoiler {
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.spoiler:hover {
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.note {
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.dark .error {
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.error {
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.dark .success {
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.success {
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/* phone */

@media (max-width: 767px) {
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  .xlog-post>div:nth-of-type(1) {
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