

  1. 之前的文章,提到哈耶克的著作 The Road to Serfdom 的译本问题,简单概括了王明毅/冯兴元《通往奴役之路》译本和殷海光《到奴役之路》译本,现摘取两段简单对比,读者自清。
  2. 我的观点:原著 > 殷海光(翻译较雅,但有删节,且自由发挥较多) > 王明毅/冯兴元(翻译拗口,优点是翻译完全)。
  3. 仅对比内容,切勿展开。



Friedrich Hayek, The Road to Serfdom - One: The Abandoned Road

The gradual transformation of a rigidly organized hierarchic system into one where men could at least attempt to shape their own life, where man gained the opportunity of knowing and choosing between different forms of life, is closely associated with the growth of commerce. From the commercial cities of northern Italy the new view of life spread with commerce to the west and north, through France and the southwest of Germany to the Low Countries and the British Isles, taking firm root wherever there was no despotic political power to stifle it. In the Low Countries and Britain it for a long time enjoyed its fullest development and for the first time had an opportunity to grow freely and to become the foundation of the social and political life of these countries. And it was from there that in the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries it again began to spread in a more fully developed form to the West and East,to the New World and to the center of the European continent, where devastating wars and political oppression had largely submerged the earlier beginnings of a similar growth.

王明毅/冯兴元《通往奴役之路》 - 第一章 被离弃的道路


殷海光《到奴役之路》 - 第一章 放弃了的道路




Friedrich Hayek, The Road to Serfdom - One: The Abandoned Road

What in the future will probably appear the most significant and far-reaching effect of this success is the new sense of power over their own fate, the belief in the unbounded possibilities of improving their own lot, which the success already achieved created among men. With the success grew ambition—and man had every right to be ambitious. What had been an inspiring promise seemed no longer enough, the rate of progress far too slow; and the principles which had made this progress possible in the past came to be regarded more as obstacles to speedier progress, impatiently to be brushed away, than as the conditions for the preservation and development of what had already been achieved.

王明毅/冯兴元《通往奴役之路》 - 第一章 被离弃的道路


殷海光《到奴役之路》 - 第一章 放弃了的道路


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