拟使用热更的方式去动态更新 Electron 的 Renderer 层代码。
编写此文时,下面的实现正在 Follow 中实验。
Electron App 在生产环境下,默认会加载封装在 app.asar 中的代码,包括了 electron main 进程的代码,和 renderer 进程的代码。app.asar 一般在 app 解包或者安装路径的 resources 目录下,一种方式是我们可以直接替换这个 asar 文件然后重启 app 就行了,这种方式不仅能更新 renderer 还能更新 main 的代码,但是又两个问题是,第一这种方式是需要重启 app,而且在替换 app.asar 时需要解决文件占用的问题(Windows 专属),第二替换了 app.asar 会破坏 app 的完整性,导致签名失效(macOS 专属)。
在两者之间折中,只更新 renderer 的代码,并且不替换 app.asar 和破坏 app 完整性。
思路如下:当热更新资源存在时,并且验证此更新有效时,优先加载更新的 renderer 资源,否则使用 app.asar 的 renderer 资源。
我们需要编写一个 Vite 插件,对 renderer 进行打包,生成一个 assets-render.tar.gz ,算出 sha256,生成一个 manifest.yml。
import { execSync } from "node:child_process"
import { createHash } from "node:crypto"
import fs from "node:fs/promises"
import path from "node:path"
import * as tar from "tar"
import type { Plugin } from "vite"
import { calculateMainHash } from "./generate-main-hash"
async function compressDirectory(sourceDir: string, outputFile: string) {
await tar.c(
gzip: true,
file: outputFile,
cwd: sourceDir,
function compressAndFingerprintPlugin(outDir: string): Plugin {
return {
name: "compress-and-fingerprint",
apply: "build",
async closeBundle() {
const outputFile = path.join(outDir, "render-asset.tar.gz")
const manifestFile = path.join(outDir, "manifest.yml")
console.info("Compressing and fingerprinting...")
// Compress the entire output directory
await compressDirectory(outDir, outputFile)
console.info("Compressing and fingerprinting", outDir, "done")
// Calculate the file hash
const fileBuffer = await fs.readFile(outputFile)
const hashSum = createHash("sha256")
const hex = hashSum.digest("hex")
// Calculate main hash
const mainHash = await calculateMainHash(path.resolve(process.cwd(), "apps/main"))
// Get the current git tag version
let version = "unknown"
try {
version = execSync("git describe --tags").toString().trim()
} catch (error) {
console.warn("Could not retrieve git tag version:", error)
// Write the manifest file
const manifestContent = `
version: ${version.startsWith("v") ? version.slice(1) : version}
hash: ${hex}
mainHash: ${mainHash}
commit: ${execSync("git rev-parse HEAD").toString().trim()}
filename: ${path.basename(outputFile)}
console.info("Writing manifest file", manifestContent)
await fs.writeFile(manifestFile, manifestContent.trim())
export default compressAndFingerprintPlugin
一个典型的 minifest.yml 是这样的。
version: 0.2.6-nightly.20241209-12-gb22f3259
hash: d26f1b1e8def1461b39410d70ff10280e17a941ed5582702078b30397774e247
mainHash: 3a5737e82826d4aabcfec851dbec19f099880fe60a59bf59eb0f6fcc5e4fbfa2
commit: b22f32594c4bba16eaf64d1aa3906e2b8e56fd3e
filename: render-asset.tar.gz
Renderer 热更的流程:
App 启动,等待 mainWindow 加载完成,获取 GitHub latest Release 获取 manifest,对比当前的 commit 和 manifest 的 commit 是否一致,对比当前的 version 和 manifest 的 version 是否一致,对比当前的 mainHash 和 manifest 的 mainHash 是否一致。满足之后开始热更。
即使用户不刷新页面,下次启动自动加载新版 renderer 代码。
::: note
renderer 层的更新后的代码,不再使用内建的 asar 代码,而是加载下面的目录(典型)
目录位置:/Users/username/Library/Application Support/Follow/render
和正常发版一样,热更需要创建一个新的 Tag。Tag 会触发对 renderer 的单独构建。然后发布这两个文件到 release。
接下来我们来 main 中实现热更新的逻辑。
首先来实现 canUpdateRender 的逻辑:
export const canUpdateRender = async (): Promise<[CanUpdateRenderState, Manifest | null]> => {
const manifest = await getLatestReleaseManifest()
if (!manifest) return [CanUpdateRenderState.NETWORK_ERROR, null]
const appSupport = mainHash === manifest.mainHash
if (!appSupport) {
logger.info("app not support, should trigger app force update, app version: ", appVersion)
return [CanUpdateRenderState.APP_NOT_SUPPORT, null]
const isVersionEqual = appVersion === manifest.version
if (isVersionEqual) {
logger.info("version is equal, skip update")
return [CanUpdateRenderState.NO_NEEDED, null]
const isCommitEqual = GIT_COMMIT_HASH === manifest.commit
if (isCommitEqual) {
logger.info("commit is equal, skip update")
return [CanUpdateRenderState.NO_NEEDED, null]
const manifestFilePath = path.resolve(HOTUPDATE_RENDER_ENTRY_DIR, "manifest.yml")
const manifestExist = existsSync(manifestFilePath)
const oldManifest: Manifest | null = manifestExist
? (load(readFileSync(manifestFilePath, "utf-8")) as Manifest)
: null
if (oldManifest) {
if (oldManifest.version === manifest.version) {
logger.info("manifest version is equal, skip update")
return [CanUpdateRenderState.NO_NEEDED, null]
if (oldManifest.commit === manifest.commit) {
logger.info("manifest commit is equal, skip update")
return [CanUpdateRenderState.NO_NEEDED, null]
return [CanUpdateRenderState.NEEDED, manifest]
这里比对了 mainHash 一致,commit 一致,version 一致,只有都满足条件才能进行热更。
export const HOTUPDATE_RENDER_ENTRY_DIR = path.resolve(app.getPath("userData"), "render")
const downloadRenderAsset = async (manifest: Manifest) => {
const { filename } = manifest
const url = await getFileDownloadUrl(filename)
logger.info(`Downloading ${url}`)
const res = await fetch(url)
const arrayBuffer = await res.arrayBuffer()
const buffer = Buffer.from(arrayBuffer)
const filePath = path.resolve(downloadTempDir, filename)
await mkdir(downloadTempDir, { recursive: true })
await writeFile(filePath, buffer)
const sha256 = createHash("sha256")
const hash = sha256.digest("hex")
if (hash !== manifest.hash) {
logger.error("Hash mismatch", hash, manifest.hash)
return false
return filePath
export const hotUpdateRender = async (manifest: Manifest) => {
if (!appUpdaterConfig.enableRenderHotUpdate) return false
if (!manifest) return false
const filePath = await downloadRenderAsset(manifest)
if (!filePath) return false
// Extract the tar.gz file
await mkdir(HOTUPDATE_RENDER_ENTRY_DIR, { recursive: true })
await x({
f: filePath,
// Rename `renderer` folder to `manifest.version`
await rename(
path.resolve(HOTUPDATE_RENDER_ENTRY_DIR, "renderer"),
path.resolve(HOTUPDATE_RENDER_ENTRY_DIR, manifest.version),
await writeFile(
path.resolve(HOTUPDATE_RENDER_ENTRY_DIR, "manifest.yml"),
logger.info(`Hot update render success, update to ${manifest.version}`)
const mainWindow = getMainWindow()
if (!mainWindow) return false
const caller = callWindowExpose(mainWindow)
return true
export const getCurrentRenderManifest = () => {
const manifestFilePath = path.resolve(HOTUPDATE_RENDER_ENTRY_DIR, "manifest.yml")
const manifestExist = existsSync(manifestFilePath)
if (!manifestExist) return null
return load(readFileSync(manifestFilePath, "utf-8")) as Manifest
export const cleanupOldRender = async () => {
const manifest = getCurrentRenderManifest()
if (!manifest) {
// Empty the directory
await rm(HOTUPDATE_RENDER_ENTRY_DIR, { recursive: true, force: true })
const currentRenderVersion = manifest.version
// Clean all not current version
const dirs = await readdir(HOTUPDATE_RENDER_ENTRY_DIR)
for (const dir of dirs) {
const isDir = (await stat(path.resolve(HOTUPDATE_RENDER_ENTRY_DIR, dir))).isDirectory()
if (!isDir) continue
if (dir === currentRenderVersion) continue
await rm(path.resolve(HOTUPDATE_RENDER_ENTRY_DIR, dir), { recursive: true, force: true })
随后下载热更资源,然后解压到制定的路径。此时就成功了,可以提示用户刷新页面,也可以等待下一次打开 app,自动加载新资源。
从这里开始,app 就会存在两个版本号,一个是基座 app 的版本,另一个是更新后的 renderer 版本。
进一步,我们结合 app 的本身的更新(使用 Electron updater)。
const upgradeRenderIfNeeded = async () => {
const [state, manifest] = await canUpdateRender()
if (state === CanUpdateRenderState.NO_NEEDED) {
return true
if (state === CanUpdateRenderState.NEEDED && manifest) {
await hotUpdateRender(manifest)
return true
return false
export const checkForAppUpdates = async () => {
if (disabled || checkingUpdate) {
checkingUpdate = true
try {
if (appUpdaterConfig.enableRenderHotUpdate) {
const isRenderUpgraded = await upgradeRenderIfNeeded()
if (isRenderUpgraded) {
return autoUpdater.checkForUpdates()
} catch (e) {
logger.error("Error checking for updates", e)
} finally {
checkingUpdate = false
这里需要优先检查 renderer 的更新,再触发 app 的更新,如果命中 renderer 更新,则表示 app 更新不再需要。
修改 renderer 加载 index.html 的逻辑。
const loadDynamicRenderEntry = () => {
const manifest = getCurrentRenderManifest()
if (!manifest) return
// check main hash is equal to manifest.mainHash
const appSupport = mainHash === manifest.mainHash
if (!appSupport) return
const currentRenderVersion = manifest.version
const dir = path.resolve(HOTUPDATE_RENDER_ENTRY_DIR, currentRenderVersion)
const entryFile = path.resolve(dir, "index.html")
const entryFileExists = existsSync(entryFile)
if (!entryFileExists) return
return entryFile
// Production entry
const dynamicRenderEntry = loadDynamicRenderEntry()
logger.info("load dynamic render entry", dynamicRenderEntry)
const appLoadEntry = dynamicRenderEntry || path.resolve(__dirname, "../renderer/index.html")
window.loadFile(appLoadEntry, {
hash: options?.extraPath,
通过 loadDynamicRenderEntry
使用 renderer 热更,可以让更新更加无感,并无需重启 app,更新包也只要几 M 就行。如果 app 是一个重 web 并且不太需要经常修改 main 代码的,比较推荐这种方式。
此文由 Mix Space 同步更新至 xLog
原始链接为 https://innei.in/posts/tech/electron-render-OTA-update