·9 months ago

==This note is based on Linux Mint 21.3==, it should be also useful if you running a Ubuntu.

XDS Related Software


  1. XDS package:
wget https://xds.mr.mpg.de/XDS-INTEL64_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz --no-check-certificate
# For some reason, wget cannot verify the server's SSL Certificates, add the --no-check-certificate parameter to igonre it

tar -xzvf XDS-INTEL64_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz
mv XDS-INTEL64_Linux_x86_64 /usr/local/bin/
ln -sf /usr/local/bin/XDS-INTEL64_Linux_x86_64/* /usr/local/bin/
  1. Other programs: XDS-Viewer, XDSSTAT, XDSCC12, XDSGUI, XSCALE_ISOCLUSTER, spot2pdb, generate_XDS.INP
mkdir -p $HOME/xds-dep && cd $_
wget -N https://wiki.uni-konstanz.de/pub/linux_bin/get_folder.sh
chmod +x get_folder.sh
sudo ./get_folder.sh
rm -rf $HOME/xds-dep

#As root, programs will be installed into /usr/local/bin/linux_bin, and links them to /usr/local/bin.
#As a normal user, programs will be installed to HOME/bin/linux_bin, and linked to your $HOME/bin.

sudo apt install -y libxcb-xinerama0 xxdiff libqt5gui5 libqt5printsupport5 libqt5opengl5
  1. Option: check the installation(you may encounter the graphics packages error):
ldd `which xdsgui` | grep found
# The command should show you the libraries it didn't find.
# Then you can install the libraries with commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install -y <PackageName>
  1. XDS plugin that reads hdf5 files:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y build-essential libssl-dev libreadline-dev zlib1g-dev cmake git libgtk-3-dev qt5-default
git clone https://github.com/dectris/neggia && cd neggia
mkdir build && cd $_
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build .
sudo cp src/dectris/neggia/plugin/dectris-neggia.so /usr/local/bin/linux_bin
echo export NEGGIA_PATH=/usr/local/bin/linux_bin/dectris-neggia.so >> $HOME/.bashrc
source $HOME/.bashrc


Reference: https://www.ccp4.ac.uk/download/installation.html

  1. Download Package Manager on this website, then:
cd /path/to/download/folder
tar -xvzf linux-x86_64_ccp4-8.0-setup.tar.gz
  1. Follow the instructions in Setup Manager's pages, and remember check "modify command line environment" in 2nd page.


Reference: https://phenix-online.org/documentation/install-setup-run.html

  1. Request a license on this website.

  2. Download software on this website.

  3. Install

    tar xvf phenix-installer-<version>-<platform>.tar
    cd phenix-installer-<version>
    # will make <directory>/phenix-<version> and install there
    ./install --prefix=<directory>  
    echo . /usr/local/phenix-<version>/phenix_env.sh >> $HOME/.bashrc
    source $HOME/.bashrc
  4. Then you can run phenix with phenix &


Reference: https://www.globalphasing.com/autoproc/download/academic/snapshot/Ubuntu1804_64bit/index.html

  1. Request a license on this website, the user and password used to download and a .licence file will be sent to your email.

  2. Installed CCP4 and XDS and set the environment as above.

  3. Pre-requirement:

    sudo apt-get install imagemagick
  4. Download

    mkdir -p $HOME/GPhL/autoPROC_snapshot_20240123 && cd$_
    wget --http-user=user --http-password=password https://www.globalphasing.com/autoproc/download/academic/snapshot/GPhL_autoPROC_snapshot_20240123_install.sh
    wget --http-user=user --http-password=password https://www.globalphasing.com/autoproc/download/academic/snapshot/GPhL_autoPROC_snapshot_20240123.linux64.tar
    # Put .license file into this directory
    # There should be three files in this directory: .tar, .sh, .licence
  5. Install

    chmod +x GPhL_autoPROC_snapshot_20240123_install.sh
    cd $HOME/GPhL
    rm -f autoPROC_latest
    ln -s autoPROC_snapshot_20240123 autoPROC_latest
    echo source $HOME/GPhL/autoPROC_latest/setup.sh >> $HOME/.bashrc
    source $HOME/.bashrc


  1. You need to enter the QQ group to get more information, I provide a copy to download for convenience:

    cd $HOME
    wget https://pan.xxu.do/d/guest/local/autoPX2-beta3-Linux.tar.gz
    tar -xzvf autoPX2-beta3-Linux.tar.gz && cd $HOME/autoPX2-beta3-Linux
    echo export PATH=$HOME/autoPX2-beta3-Linux:$PATH >> $HOME/.bashrc
    source $HOME/.bashrc
    # You can choose the name of command to start the program, here is autopx
    ln -s autoPXgui.sh autopx
  2. Then you can use autoPX2 with the command autopx.

此文由 Mix Space 同步更新至 xLog
原始链接为 https://xxu.do/posts/structure/Deploy-X-Ray-Data-Process-Software-on-Linux

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