Building a model for a huge cryo-EM map may be annoying, especially when it's supercomplex.
But now you can use ModelAngleo to build models for a cryo-EM map locally, without worry about data leakage.
Ensure you have met the computing requirements of ModelAngelo: mainly GPUs with at least 8GB of memory.
Install Miniconda:
Clone the repo and run the script:
git clone
cd model-angelo && source
Before the start, you need to activate the environment by running conda activate model_angelo
in the terminal.
Building a map with FASTA sequence:
model_angelo build -v map.mrc -pf prot.fasta -df dna.fasta -rf rna.fasta -o output
-v: map, in mrc format
-pf: protein sequence
-df: dna sequence
-rf: rna sequence
-o: output directory
You don't need to repeat the sequence of a dimer in the FASTA file.
Building a map with no FASTA sequence:
model_angelo build_no_seq -v map.mrc -o output
If the result looks terrible with unconnected chains, the map is probably in the wrong hand, just flip the map and run again.
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