S-R 锁存器(即设置-复位锁存器)是最简单的锁存器形式,通过两个输入来实现:S(设置)和 R(复位)。当 S 和 R 输入均为 1 时,锁存器处于未定义状态。它们也被称为预置和清除状态。SR 锁存器是所有其他类型触发器的基本组成部分。
SR 锁存器真值表:
使用 NAND 实现的 SR 锁存器:
D 锁存器
D 型锁存器也称为透明锁存器,使用两个输入端实现:D (数据) 和一个时钟信号。只要时钟信号为高电平,锁存器的输出就会跟随 D 端的输入。当时钟信号为低电平时,锁存器的输出被存储并保持到下一个时钟上升沿。
Some of the advantages of latches are listed below.
Easy to Implement: Latches are simple digital circuits that can be easily implemented using basic digital logic gates.
Low Power Consumption: Latches consume less power compared to other sequential circuits such as flip-flops.
High Speed: Latches can operate at high speeds, making them suitable for use in high-speed digital systems.
Low Cost: Latches are inexpensive to manufacture and can be used in low-cost digital systems.
Versatility: Latches can be used for various applications, such as data storage, control circuits, and flip-flop circuits.
Some of the disadvantages of latches are listed below.
No Clock: Latches do not have a clock signal to synchronize their operations, making their behavior unpredictable.
Unstable State: Latches can sometimes enter into an unstable state when both inputs are at 1. This can result in unexpected behavior in the digital system.
Complex Timing: The timing of latches can be complex and difficult to specify, making them less suitable for real-time control applications.
Q: 你理解的锁存器?
1. SR 锁存器,所有锁存器的基础,SR 分别代表置位和复位
2. D 锁存器,透明锁存器,锁存信号失效时即为 buffer,生效时能够保存信号
优点:low power & high speed
缺点:no clock & 难以进行 STA
应用:临时存储?高速性能场景? 但是 timing 很难